The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life

Do you know what world-class athletes, billionaire entrepreneurs, and legendary artists have in common? They all understand the transformative power of an early morning routine.

The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life
Designed by Olubunmi Nmerenu

Do you know what world-class athletes, billionaire entrepreneurs, and legendary artists have in common? They all understand the transformative power of an early morning routine.

In Robin Sharma's ground-breaking book, "The 5 AM Club," he reveals the secrets of these top 5% and provides a step-by-step guide to help you join their ranks and unlock your full potential.

How can you ever be world-class if you donā€™t carve out some time each morning to make yourself world-class?

The book is in the form of a conversation between an entrepreneur ā€“ who contemplated suicide after facing a hostile takeover of her company, a depressed artist, an eccentric billionaire disguised as a homeless man, and an executive coach ā€“ the Spellbinder.

The core message of "The 5 AM Club" is simple but profound: how you start your day sets the tone for everything that follows.

Why 5 AM?

Each early morning is a page in the story that becomes your legacy.

The billionaire in the story explains to his new mentees that rising at 5 AM promotes something psychologists call ā€œThe Flow Stateā€ ā€“ a peak mental state where our perception becomes heightened, our availability to original ideas rises and we access an all-new level of processing power.

 When we wake up at 5 AM, we wake up to solitude, silence and stillness, and our attention isnā€™t being fragmented by technology, to-do lists and other forces that can limit maximum productivity.

Neuroscience reveals to us that at this hour, the prefrontal cortex, the part of our brain responsible for rational thinking and worrying shuts off temporarily.

This shutting off is good because it triggers the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin (all good chemicals for the brain), which automatically and naturally move us into ā€˜The Flow Stateā€™.