
Self-love is about recognizing your own worth and value, while also prioritizing your happiness and nurturing your inner world.

Designed by Olubunmi Nmerenu

“I hate myself so much”

“I feel no one loves me”

“I am so ugly”

These are a few of the things I have either read on the streets of social media or heard people say.

You will be surprised how many people self-loathe in our world today.

We hide it under statements like “I am my number one critic”. However, if we probed that self-criticism a bit further, we would realise it’s coming from a place of self-loathing.

How do I know this? You will never say to your friends some of the things you say to yourself.

The question is: why do we treat ourselves poorly?

Today is a special day dedicated to celebrating love, and I recognize that this can be triggering for many who long to love and be loved. The desire to give and receive love is one of the deepest longings of the human heart.

However, while much of the attention might be turned towards expressing love to others, I invite you to do the opposite first- turn that expression inward, towards yourself!

Be your own Val! Write a love note to yourself. Pick up a gift for yourself. Acknowledge your journey to where you are and exercise faith in your ability to create a bedazzled life for yourself.

The truth is, you cannot truly love others if you don't first love yourself, and you will never receive the love you deserve unless you cultivate that love within yourself.

If you don't see yourself as worthy and valuable, no one else will see you that way, except God!

Our brains are wired with mirror neurons that allow us to mirror the emotions and actions of others, but they also reflect how we feel about ourselves.

When we lack self-love, we project those feelings of insecurity unconsciously, which can push people away or make them take advantage of us.

However, when we nurture self-love, we radiate positive energy that others naturally reflect, drawing them closer to us and making them treat us as people of value.

Never forget this, "the love you give yourself shapes the love you receive."

You'll be doing yourself a great disservice if, after scrolling through social media today and seeing all the acts of love, you let it leave you with a sense of loss or incompleteness, only deepening your self-loathing instead of reminding you that love starts within.

If you haven't heard this today, then let me be the first to remind you that:

♦️ You are loved.

♦️ You are invaluable, priceless.

♦️ You are so beautiful and handsome - Gosh!

♦️ You are perfectly complete.

This isn’t just to hype you up - it’s the absolute truth! I hope you can see yourself through this lens and let your light shine.

Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️

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You're a gem 💎, remember that. Keep living your bedazzled life, one day at a time.